CEO Chat: Revology

Company: REVOLOGY (private)
Headquarters: IOWA CITY, IA
Year Founded: 2022
1. What problem was REVOLOGY founded to solve?
We founded revology with the specific goal of transforming insurance claims follow-up with technology. My background includes running revenue cycle for both healthcare providers and as a vendor/partner; I’ve witnessed first-hand how cumbersome and time consuming claims follow-up can be, even in the most sophisticated organizations. Revology - and our technology solution auxo - were formed with the intention of simplifying the process while still maximizing returns. Auxo consolidates information that exists across multiple platforms, serves up the highest value claims to revenue cycle representatives, and allows leaders to create, execute, and adapt sophisticated strategies in minutes.
2. How do you describe REVOLOGY'S right to win in your market?
We identified the opportunity and created something that doesn’t exist in the market, and we’re having tremendous early success. Auxo ensures that only the highest value claims - based on specific attributes - are served up each day. That creates a greater opportunity for providers to maximize cash and returns. In addition, the platform has AI capabilities that can share the revenue cycle knowledge that we’ve gained over decades with auxo users. By providing more prescriptive guidance into the platform, we are helping a new generation of revenue cycle staff work claims more efficiently with the confidence that their decisions are backed by decades of experience.