CEO Chat: Reciprocity Health

Company: Reciprocity Health (private)

Headquarters: Wilmington, DE

Year Founded: 2020

1. What problem was Reciprocity Health founded to solve?

Reciprocity Health was launched in 2020 in response to the escalating cost of healthcare, particularly due to one significant factor: the low adoption of critical care programs within Medicaid populations. Low patient participation and adherence to these programs are major contributors to excessive healthcare costs, impacting various aspects of care such as preventative HEDIS gap closures, chronic condition management, PCP appointments, screenings, and more.   Too many high-quality care programs, some designed specifically for vulnerable populations, go unutilized due to poorly managed outreach and engagement.  By driving a new dynamic of active patient partnership, we draw people towards their care and improve ROI across the board.

2. How do you describe Reciprocity Health's right to win in your market?

Reciprocity Health has successfully addressed the complexities of adherence within Medicaid populations by leveraging the proven power of financial incentives and programming derived directly from CMS field-tested research. As a Managed Service, our team of behavioral specialists is engaged by Medicaid-focused payers and health systems to design, build, launch, and manage tailored, task-based financial incentive programs delivered through the iOS/Android TheraPay Rewards app. Rewards are received on a smart, reloadable debit card, which enables data tracking, persistent member engagement, and provides direction, motivation, and support throughout their complex care journey.

3. What are your key goals and definition of success in the next 12 months?

With our first full-year results in Medicaid populations and a growth capital round completed in Q1, we are now focused on doubling down on research and optimization aspects of our work. We aim to add to our Medicaid clientele and expand our programming to meet the growing variety of clinical challenges that our clients face.  We define success in each of these areas by the measurable gains in program adherence and the subsequent ROI improvements in cost, outcomes, and quality measures.

Read more about Reciprocity Health here.